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  • Dictionary of Biology Livres et BD
  • Dictionary of Biology Livres et BD
  • Dictionary of Biology Livres et BD

Dictionary of Biology occasion Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy (54500)

35 €

Bernardbo Membre depuis 11 ans

Description de l'annonce

Dictionary of Biology by Edwin B. Steen, Editor: Barnes & Noble Books, 1971, 630 pages.


dictionary, which comprises approximately 12,000 terms, was written to provide students of biology at all levels with a handy and reliable source for the meanings of terms in the field of biology in general and definitions pertinent to the various allied sciences. An effort was made to bring together in a single volume not only commonly used terms but also the more specialized and less frequently employed terms, and in particular new terms which have been introduced and have come into usage with the recent developments of modern biology. The definitions contain material drawn from the fields of zoology, botany, anatomy and physiology, and the various subsciences, such as embryology, histology, ecology, limnology, cytology, genetics, endocrinology, and parasitology.
Book with soft cover.

Prix: 35 €.
A prendre sur place, de préférence, à Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy (Meurthe et Moselle).
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Livres et BD occasion à vendre à Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy (54500)

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